• Can I register online for the Indore Marathon?

    Yes, you can register online by just clicking on the registration tab.given at the slider on the home page of the website.

  • Is my online registration and my account details are protected?

    Yes, The Online payment is secured with the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. This technology secures your card datafrom the fraudulent activities and also prevent from misusing your Credit/Debit cards.

  • Is there any other different modes of entry fee payment?

    People who are intending to register offline should pay by cash and get themselves enrolled at the registrations centers, address details of which will be displayed on the website and promotional banners.

  • should I carry the print-out of the e-mail sent to me for collecting the bib?

    We will accept the message in electronic format too. However you must carry with you one government issued ID card for collecting the bib.

  • Can I register and run for 2 different races or run for both the distances?

    You can register for multiple events but can take part only in one of them.

  • Is my registration transferable?

    Sorry, the registration once done are neither transferred nor cancelled.

  • Is there some age limit for every run?

    For 21K the minimum age is 18. For 10K the minimum age for participation is 14 year. However for 5K there is no minimum age criterion.Having said this we urge you to seek advice from qualified health practitioner.

  • To watch the event can I get my family/friends?

    Yes, you can get them. They can also be presented at the start/finish position or any other position along the running route suitable to you.Cherish the moment with enjoyment with your family and friends.

  • If I am a runner and a walker, what I should register as?

    You are allowed to walk if exhausted and then continue running. For 21 K, it will not be possible to complete the race by only walking.

  • Can kids take part in the mini marathon?

    kids up to 14 year are permitted to take part in 10K and 5K is open to all. However, parental consent is required at the time of collecting the Bib.

  • How will my entry for marathon be approved and intimated to me?

    Once you make payment, you will get registration confirmation email and a text message on your registered mobile ID.

  • How many number of participants would run in this marathon with us?

    Last year appx. 17,000 participant took part in this event.

  • Is there any cut-off period to complete the event?

    Yes, for 21K you must complete the race in 3.5 hours. For 10K the cut-off time is 1.5 hours. You must adhere to these limits in order to get the timing certificate.

  • Will there be any medical assistance throughout the event?

    On the day of event, a squad of skilled doctors and health attendants will offer medical support to runners in need. A health attendant with the First Aid Kit will be available at each energy stations and at the location with short interval pit stops. The medical team’s opinion is final & binding on allowing the participant to run further.

  • What arrangements have been made for any medical emergency?

    The organizers will make preparations for the accessibility of essential health checkup during the course of the event. However the organizers shall not be held for any medical crisis or mishap that may take place all through the course of the marathon.

  • What will I find in Energy stations?

    There will be number of station on the way. These will be marked on the route map.You will be served with water, electrolytes fruits and biscuits at these stations.

  • Are restrooms available at the venue & along with the course?

    Yes, these are marked in the route.

  • Can I store up my baggage anywhere?

    At this point we have not made any such arrangement for safekeeping of your baggage. So you are requested to make your own arrangements.

  • If I complete/participate in the race will I get Medal and certificate?

    Contestant who finishes their selected run course will be honored with certificate and medal. The certificate can be downloaded from the link provided on our website within one week from the race.

  • Can I use Headphones or IPOD during the race?

    Yes sure, we consider that music is immense aid for the runners. However, please be attentive to route, announcements signage from the race traffic and marshal so that you are always on the right course.

  • As runners run will the traffic be on road?

    We will make all the attempts to avoid vehicles from being on the route by holding up the traffic at the points of the track. However, the contestants must be conscious of local traffic. Please pursue the instructions of all course marshals, markers, and public safety officials. In addition, runners must remain to the right of the road to keep away from accidents. Runners should make sharp turning at left hand side.

  • what is the time I should train for the marathon?

    Everyone is different in the stamina and efficiency to run, there is no answer for this universally. For general guideline it is safe to run at least 30 minutes without rest and should cover 12-15 total miles per week for number of weeks before beginning training programs. It also depends on your level of training program and finish time of your goal to complete. The key thing is to increase your mileage steadily at each week and make it slow.

  • What kind of diet should I follow?

    Carbohydrates will offer your energy. It is suggested that 65% of your calories come from carbohydrates, 10% from protein and 25% from unsaturated fats. Beans, low fat milk, green peas, fish, chicken, eggs, yogurt, cheese, peanut butter, nuts and cottage cheese these products can help you out with your diet.

  • How can I prevent blisters on my feet?

    Blisters are common among runners; they can be painful, irritating, or simply horrible. The offender is generally friction and humidity. Before long runs, apply a littlequantity of Vaselineequally to your feet. The Vaseline will reduce resistance and considerably lessen the likelihood of getting blisters. Wear a synthetic running sock that drags out moisture from your feet. Wear shoes that fit properly and are not too loose. If you are wearing a new pair, wear them on lesser mileage runs before wearing them on a long run to help to break them in first.

  • What are the race protocols?

    Please don’t run more than two across, if you are running in a crowd show admiration to the runners and say thank you to the individuals handing out your water cups all along the route. They are an essential part of the event and it wouldn’t ensue not including them.

    If you want to stop to tie your shoelace, please watch co-runners and shift to a side of the road prior to stopping.

    While forthcoming a water table, move to the side and grip your glass then keep moving. You can drop your glass on side of the road as close as to the table as likely.

    While you finish the race, keep moving through the finish line. There are lots of runners coming up after you and don’t block their way.

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